Child of God
The Prodigy

Name: Aloysius Lee
Age: 15
School: PRCS
Birthday: 23/1

I am a servant of God
I am a servant , not a servile
I am the head and not the tail
I am above and not beneath
Let's Walk In Faith And Grow!

Hungering for..

†Change To The Likeness Of God†
†Become A Pastor†
†To Be Water Baptised†
Motivational Speaker
Finish Poly with CGPA 3.89


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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July 2012


Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye

Thursday, July 2, 2009

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †

Finally found the inspiration and motivation to type another post.. From that post until now, many things happened, went to OBS, got back report book.. Well, let's not talk about report book.. OBS.. Outward Bound Singapore.. Never knew it was so.. Rewarding.. I wouldn't really say fun, but yea.. 5 days camp.. If you want to know why i wouldn't really say it was fun, then go for OBS :D No regrets..

In OBS, we learn to cook , sleep , socialise , overcome our fears, strengthening both physical and mental strength.. I saw wild boars, dogs.. I remember one night at like 12am or so.. You wake up can hear the dogs singing in the night.. Very beautiful.. We learnt how to kayak, in the end we did sea expedition, 13km around ubin for.. 7 hours :D, next day, 15km to Cek Jawa and to the new campsite at the other end of Ubin , 15km. The bags were like.. 20kg? Can die sia..

Well , this is my group , Charlie

No idea what else to write.. So i shall end it off nicely..

It is human's nature to doubt, why do we doubt God when He doesn't answer our prayers, yet? If God answers prayers instantly, the whole world will clash! Imagine 10 million people praying that their 4D number will come out, what is going to happen? Soccer match, both side pray their team will win, how? God has a schedule, a schedule as to when things will come. It will come for sure, it's this period of waiting that triggers our doubt about God's power. When God answers our prayers, we praise Him , we worship Him more, but when he doesn't answer our prayers, yet, why do we become doubtful of Him, when He has shown us his works in our lives? It's funny why we doubt Him of His powers, why do we not doubt Devil? God has always been with us and for us, why do we doubt someone who is on our side, rather than doubt someone who is your advocate? We should put our trust in God's hands and start questioning ourselves, whether we trust in the Devil , or doubt his works. What has the Devil done to gain your trust and instead of doubting your enemy, you doubt your friend?

Things to pray for...
1] Healthy and strong so that i do not fall sick
2] Good results start coming along, eliminate all failures
3] Grow stronger spiritually
4] Make more intercessions for friends
5] Become someone who is more matured in thinking
6] Become a more understanding person
7] Love the Lord with all my heart and soul more than ever, more each day.

†God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, July 02, 2009