The Prodigy Age: 15 School: PRCS Birthday: 23/1 I am a servant of God I am a servant , not a servile I am the head and not the tail I am above and not beneath Let's Walk In Faith And Grow! Hungering for.. †Change To The Likeness Of God† †Become A Pastor† †To Be Water Baptised† Motivational Speaker Finish Poly with CGPA 3.89 past April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2012 Credits Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: |
Saturday, February 28, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † So well , I've been doing this every night , Asking God for a good dream . God knows what you desire even without asking Him! Truely , God works in miraculous ways. Okay , so it was just like any other day , bed time , lights out , Sleep. Several hours later when i was in deep unconciousness , a dream was being produced.. Incredible , but true. I was asleep in my dream and i was dreaming in my dream. So if you don't get it, it's like.. Me -> Sleeping -> In the sleep , I'm dreaming -> In the dream, Something happened and i'm going to tell you everything. In this dream of mine while i was dreaming , God told me in this dream that I have treasures stored up in my house. It's in a hidden place which nobody have found it. Somehow , i was at East Coast Park , not sure where it was , but pretty sure it was ECP. I was at this sand pit , playing , digging large holes until i saw this standing sign , pretty small , palm sized , overing an opening. In this opening , i found nothing , but it was just interesting. Then , i saw a tortoise by the grass. I tried to pick it up but my hands just could not grasp it. Then i asked clavis to do it. I'm not sure , but clavis then opened the shell of the tortoise. Then somehow a spade came out , and Clavis slashed one of it's legs away. Then the dream just teleported me to elsewhere. I was still in my dream , God revealed to me the locations of the treasure. When i woke up in my dream which i was dreaming in , i went to follow God's direction and really went to search for it. At this secret compartment of my sofa where it was on the floor , i dug my hand in while holding onto a torchlight on the other hand. I shined light in. There, i saw a gold figurine of a pyramid. Not only that , I also saw a gold pencil. Which i will talk more about it later. That was not what was wierd. This part is the interesting part and the key to the whole dream. Okay , so i was searching. Suddenly , I saw this 3 part coin. It was pretty large , about the size of an average handphone. The design was so vivid! What i saw was , A lion head , A Tiger head , which i somehow knew it was a Malaysia one , and the bottom was a Merlion's tail. I remember in my dream , this person told me a story on how it came about and the coin was an antique. This person shifted the lion's head , from the neck of the Tiger's one , The lion and tiger were facing each other. Then he said , The lion once could swim , but after time , it evolved. *He slides the lion head to the original position* and while sliding the head, he said , after time , it could walk on land. Therefore , the merlion was the past of the lion. The tiger just came into the picture somehow. Anyway , i couldn't remember whether the tiger's head was a merlion head or the tiger head. I can't remember , but i think it's the merlion's head. Then i asked him , how much was this 3 part coin worth. And he said it was a very old antique and it was worth 1.5million. Then i was thinking whether i should pass it to the museum or sell it. In the end , i decided to sell it. But before that , i hid the coin at another secret compartment , where i found the other part of the pencil. It was shaped like a fountain pen , one part at the sofa , the other at the wall. How i know it was a pencil? The part of the pencil at the wall had a pencil lead in it. After some time when i decided that i want to sell it , i tried searching for it , but i couldn't find it! Then i somehow went to find someone who could help me. There was some sort of device i had to press on . There were about 5 of us , me and my brother , a grandmother and someone else. Then we had to press onto the device which was like a switch , with a red light emitted when pressed on. I pressed hard with my body weight with my palm on the switch. I could feel the exact pressure i had exerted in my sleep. Then they were praying. The prayer ended with something to do with Mother Mary. I was shocked when i heard that. Then i asked the prayer in Jesus name instead. After that , i approached the grandmother , I started prayer in tongues as i held her face with my thumbs at her eyes. I prayed so powerfully that i slained her. Why we went to this person house because he said that the treasure was in somebody's body and it could be traced. But well , it didn't work. I then got teleported back to my house where i suddenly found the treasure. I forgot that i hid it in another place. Then i took the golden fountain pencil and went to some agency and asked how much it was worth , the assistant told me that it was fake and not real. I was shocked , then i asked if it was gold plated , but i had no answers from her. Then i got teleported back to ECP. I somehow went onto the stage where i found the 3 part coin. Then i was on the screen and i imitated the same actions of the person on the screen. I didn't know who he was , but he was worth 1.5 million. Like a soccer player. My actions were exactly like his. Then i went backstage and i got teleported once again to a bunk room where me and my mates were resting , my mates could fly! I was at the top of the bed just looking down. Then i went out to catch a breath. Somehow , it was like i had a conversion of 2 dreams , in my dream , i remember i was once of a lower class. We were confined in this large area. I used to be allocated at the lower part of the building. When i went on stage that time , i got transferred to the highest class. I was sitting down on my balcony which was like a tree. I was just catching a breath there and thinking about things. Then , like magic, a fairy threw me something which became like a game , i was credited $3000. Then i teleported to some shop and i could sell stuffs which was worth some money. I was then teleported back to my house , i then took the coin and passed it to my dad and he somehow got it sold. He retrieved the 1.5 million dollars from the buyer and brought it home. Then he placed the money somewhere on the floor and beside it , was a machine which could suck things and literally turn them into super tiny bits. So when i was sitting down , i saw things getting shot out, like powder. Then i looked , I realise that the 1.5 million all got shreded.. Then i woke up from my dream , note , now i'm really awake. I woke up and thanked God for such an interesting dream. Then i switched off the air-con. I went out , i was still in shock when that all happened. Then i started praying in tongues. I've never prayed in that type of tongues before. It was totally new to me. I just kept praying and the presence of God was so intense! I was literally basking in His presence! As i was praying , i was walking to and fro in my house. Then at the most intense moment of my prayer , the 'tilam' covering the door that has windows which lets lights in in the room i'm sleeping , dropped! For the past 2 hours when i sleeping , it didn't drop , only when i prayed so hard, it dropped! I was still so shocked.. Even right , thinking about this issue , i'm feeling the presence of God! It's like electricity flowing through my body! I really want to thank God for answering my prayers.. So guys , if you want your prayers to be answered , you have to be persistant in your prayers! Keep knocking onto the heart of Jesus just like how he knocks the hearts of ours before we were saved! Ask and you shall receive. Only through persistant and truthful prayers , God will answer what you truely desire. I pray that you , my brethrens , will encounter similar experiences like me! I pray all this in Jesus' name , Amen! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Wooo... It's been a really tiring and frustrating week.. It's all over! Imagine being piled up with tonnes of homework + the need to study for common tests.. Wow that's some real stress there.. Need to do other subject while trying to study for another.. The feeling sucks.. Well , at least for me , Softball matches have stopped interfering with my studies! I can get back to studying at last! A prayer should end this post =D Father in Heaven , I pray that as I put my faith and trust in You , Lord , you will not shortchange me. Father , I pray that as I do my best , God , You will do the rest.. Father , Thank You for providing me with strength and wisdom , I am nothing without You. Father , Thank You for being so tangible in my life , it's a true blessing to be able to communicate with my God.. Father , I vow to give all the praise and honour to You because you are worthy of my praise and honour to You. Thank You for helping me cope with difficulties. Lastly , Father , I pray that me and my friends would score high marks for our common tests. In Jesus Name I pray , Amen! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † This one is when Liang xian refuses to throw his plate.. So i took a ball of rice from my plate and made his name =D Toilet at Tampines Rover Club I don't know how this stands.. Cute isn't it.. Inside church at the Children's corner. This is what the heck.. Bought too many cartons of Viagra? Haha.. Looks like West Plaza area has a lot of erectile dysfunction people haha.. This was taken today haha.. Oh my.. I just realise the spelling is wrong too! Wow.. Buck up =D 2 Common Tests down , 2 more to go.. I'm not really confident about maths because i haven't been excelling in it.. It's really frustrating.. God , i pray that during the exam, i would not fear and i would attempt all questions with complete faith that i'll do well and i pray that the outcome would be good! Let there not be any question that acts as a barrier for me to fail , but let them be stepping stones that'll bring me to greater heights , from glory to glory , to glory.. SS i have absolute confidence in doing well. I pray that God , you will not let me down , i pray that i will score at least 80% for it , because of you , can i then score so well. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God , I vow to give all the honour and glory to you for you deserve my praises. Amen! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I really want to thank God for being by me all these while lor.. When i was tired , He took away fatigue from me.. When i was stressed , He showed me ways to destress..I am nothing without Him .. Anyway , today was really wierd.. LMM just went berserk.. Okay it's mainly Jordan's fault which caused Yan Teng & Lixuan to kenna lol.. Jordan's tortoise sure pissed LMM off haha.. Anyway, her way of teaching is just wrong lor.. What the heck , everything also threathen.. If i can find any rules that has to do with threathening , i confirm shoot her one =.= Chinese.. Comprehension , 4/25 . What's wrong you ask.. LMM mark is follow answers to mark one.. I wonder if anyone can reach 10 marks.. That's just gay =.= Anyway , the cong kao i got 15/20 for the ting xie.. Not bad eh =D Today's sci common test wasn't too bad ... Although i was uncertain before , now i'm confident =D Do you ever have the feeling , you don't know if you know what you don't know? I sure did.. Well , it sucks , but it motivates you to study.. I'm glad i've studied =D Learning from my mistakes. Ah well , after school , instead of going home , went for CCA , playing with my uniform =D Didn't do much , just throw some fast curly balls at Clavis =D †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, February 20, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() It's time to study hard guys .. Oh God , hear my prayers and don't turn away from me. God , i pray for annointing of knowledge and wisdom. Let the test questions not cause me to panic or fumble. God , remind me of all the solutions and formulas to solve the questions. Bring forth rememberance in me. Let me not forget anything and let me be so prepared for the things that have yet to come. God , prepare me as i put my trust in you. God , i am yours. Please God , let me not lose because i know , i have you by my side and you will sit beside me when i'm taking my common tests. Let my scores all reach above 75. Let my friends be so jealous of me because i have You , God. In Jesus name i pray , Amen! Edited Bye bye long hair... I'm gonna cut you! My hair colour nice right! =D Natural one okay.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Well , my Valentine day is damn boring .. No girlfriend to spend with.. Okay , don't remind me about LMM =.= Sian la.. Valentine's Day still got tuition T.T Common test coming liao.. What to do ? Let's all be nerdballs and study. It's cool to be nerd. Nerd is the new cool. C'mon guys , let's all be nerds and make 3/7 become 3/9 =D Anyway , this is how i spend 13/2/09.. Sucks.. Lessons as usual , Mrs See pon lessons again.. She should know better than to not pon lessons.. I'll give her detention! HMPH! Maths already so cham still she MIA.. Wah damn sian.. I really pray that i will do well in my Common test lor.. Walao i made too many mistakes la.. Anyway , what really sucked was the match.. Didn't start off good , of course didn't end off well.. For they say , A good start is half the battle won. Therefore , A lousy start is only 1/10billion of the battle won.. Just practice only i kenna hit by the ball because stupid Robson go change the course of the ball then hit my left knee.. Nevermind.. Worse is.. When match start , i went to dive for one ball which was the most stupid thing to do ... I went to open up my old injury which i got like .. 2 days ago? Shit.. It hurts like a bee.. NEVERMIND.. That i can forget.. BUT WHAT I CANNOT FORGET IS... When my turn bat , i whack damn far and hard.. Run run run.. Run to base 3 , the outfield go throw the ball at my back! Wah that one is pain like f***... Can die lor.. Then ball deflected away i faster run to home.. Luckily all my efforts were not wasted.. Or i'll be damn angry.. What i've always wanted to do happened! I managed to whack the guy and the ball drop out of his glove! I didn't care what was happening.. I just run run run and slide , i actually managed to knock the catcher down! I SAW THE BALL DROP OUT! WOOT.. I was the first to do homerun.. After that , i never play anymore for the match.. Injured like mad =.= Then go home , put qing cao you .. It's a very good oilment.. But it hurts like .. Hmm... 10 times when you get the injury? WTF i wanted to distract myself while my dad does it.. The thing is , it doesn't works.. Walao he dab the cotton with the oilment and just smear it all over the injury with the blood still slightly fresh.. I scream like what T.T Then after that okay already.. Then daddy also rub ZAMBAK for the big big 'orh ceh' .. Walao is like below my shoulder blades lor T.T Pain =*( †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Stressful.. Why? Why not try A Maths questions... They make you think so hard that you can break down any moment.. Not forgetting , the numerous quizzes and tests that comes and go any time. God , hear my prayer. Father in heaven , i pray for annointing of wisdom and knowledge from you. Father i pray that you will send the Holy Spirit to guide me and become my tutor. Let the Holy Spirit not only teach me to make better choices , but also understanding in my Maths and other subjects. Father , i really need your help especially in this time. Father , let understanding flow through me.. Give me the strength and courage and move on in life. Father , show me your love and care. Father , teach me to listen to your words. O God , please be by me when i need you the most. During my darkest and lowest moments , carry me up on your strong and mighty right hand. Show me what lies ahead of me. God , I'm feeling very frustrated. Please help me find ways to ease this frustration in me.. Hear my prayers... In Jesus name i pray , Amen! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Sian sia.. Why last 2 years , when got match during school hours , i would be so happy , so excited that i would count the periods i would miss.. But now , it seems as though i had a total transformation.. I would be so devastated that i missed lessons that i even asked Mr Shafie when will all these end.. This year, i started to feel that lessons are so important , and Sebrina, i'm not a nerdball.. It's cause i like to study.. But i better get a good night's rest tonight so i'm prepared and on fire for tomorrow.. Alright.. My prayer for the day.. "Dear heavenly father , i thank you for providing so much for me today , thank you for making me Study IC of my cell group , I believe that this is just the start and greater things has yet to come.. Father , i pray that tonight , i will have a good rest and be so prepared tomorrow that i will not feel sleepy at all! I pray that during the match , i will do so well that even my friends are shocked by my ability.. I believe that , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Father in Heaven , Fight with me , fight for me.. You are My Lord , My Saviour . In Jesus name i pray , Amen." †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, February 01, 2009