The Prodigy Age: 15 School: PRCS Birthday: 23/1 I am a servant of God I am a servant , not a servile I am the head and not the tail I am above and not beneath Let's Walk In Faith And Grow! Hungering for.. †Change To The Likeness Of God† †Become A Pastor† †To Be Water Baptised† Motivational Speaker Finish Poly with CGPA 3.89 past April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2012 Credits Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: |
Saturday, May 31, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Ahh.. What an interesting sight.. My arm , red.. Since 2 hours ago..Well this was what happened.. Woke up at 7 and went to school at 7.45.. Attended CCA and play paly play until about 11 am + , we played match.. Then i was playing as 3rd base.. Then that sec 3 senior swing , hardest hitter , ball bounce on ground , then flew up and hit me.. I could literally feel the pain going in .. Then my hand went numb afterwards.. Then i played catcher.. Not bad.. I swing at Shahid and he was called out.. He keep hit already then throw the bat at me... Zzz.. Then my turn to bat , the 1st 2 ball all like shit , the 3rd one Sharil give so nice.. I swing it hard and it went out of the field lol.. Then they have to go down to the drain and take XD The fencing so large somemore.. Then i run , Roy was blocking base.. I didn't know what to do.. So i did my 'Ru Lai Shen Zhang' at his heart lol.. Then he was in great pain.. I forgot to step base then faster run and touch before reaching home then go say sorry to Roy.. Then also when playing base 3 , Omar was like trying to steal base.. So i just act like i throw ball then turn and tag him out XD Then i chiong at Zafran and whack him.. He flew out but luckily he touch base or else he out also lol.. Then coach say what i like lion eating meat or something like that.. Something to do with aggression.. Then CCA ended , me and Wei Jie played the piano again lol.. This time with the chords inside.. I played the chords , he played the keys.. So fun =) Then went to the minimart , bought a drink then rested lor.. Then afterwards went back home , took a bathe and then rest lor.. Later got tuition~ Must remind my mother to fix the graphic card also.. So can pei XinYing play Audition lol.. Memories are so beautiful If only memories last forever Life wouldn't be filled with so much misery She left us with beautiful memories She said her final speech and left us in tears Why did she have to do that Parting is a part of life But memories are the killers Memories of beautiful times Streams tears from my eyes Thinking of the past Fun,Joy and Laughter But now that you are gone These memories become more and more precious Why do memories become precious Until you have lost it Why didn't I cherish what i had Until she was gone.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Today is pretty depressing.. So many people leaving.. Mrs Tan suddenly started giving out photographs then suddenly tell us that she is leaving the school! She came up with all the sad words which made me feel really sad.. My eyes started feeling swollen and i could cry anytime.. I told myself to be strong and not cry =( Mrs.Tan , you're a great teacher.. I cannot bear to see you leave .. Hope that we can stay in touch =*( I'll miss you.. Then waited for Drama teacher , Adeline Pang.. Also her last lesson and she left us =( Why must everyone start leaving... Must leaving be part of life? =( Then classmates started crying after Drama lessons.. Then i just pei them.. Depressing day.. Haix... Went home , use msn then go bathe and then eat dinner.. Today no mood post =( SO MANY PEOPLE LEAVE =( Why like that =( The drops of silent water are heard The emotions of a man unveils Deep down in sorrow thoughts Lies a man isolated in the icy cold Left alone to his own device He who succeeds is one who works To acheive what you have worked Is to work out your achievements The one who perserveres is the one who succeeds With determination and perserverance It is almost impossible to succeed Truth lies within your hands It is up to you to figure it out As the raindrops soften My heart once again sink deep in sorrowness Err.. Watched Forbidden Kingdom and hear too much of this kind of words.. I shall just type out what comes to me naturally =) Forgive me if it does not make any sense.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I'm like so damn jealous that other people get childrens more active lor.. Why mine so quiet de =( Lol Liang Xian one run and run and run like siao XD UltraActive sia.. Aiya.. It's like damn sian lor.. Andand.. The 3D show was stupid okay?! When they off the light then the screen black , i was like screaming like watching horror movie.. XD Cheang Kit , Hao Ran and Jonathan joined along.. Damn stupid man XD Then go back to school already , see CCA a while.. Then go play piano.. I can play Canon already lei!! Abit only.. Then Shermayne come.. The god is here.. Music grade 10? That's what i heard anyway.. She play canon sia!! Power lor.. So good dao mr ling come and listen XD Oh ya.. She wasn't looking at the notes anyway.. There weren't any notes .. All pure memory.. Then afterthat went back home.. Took a bath and no dinner eat.. Then ordered mcdonald then chat on MSN.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() It's been some time since i first made this blog.. And today is it's 50th post anniversary! Woohoo!!! *Pops champaign* Well , today wasn't really much fun , wasted like 30-45 minutes in science XD We digress a lot then in the end started talking about Darwin's evolution .. Haha... We are pro okay? Then went for CIP in Compassville there.. My buddy never come then i just play only lor =) Then funny thing is.. When going there , Jeremiah stepped into a pile of water and got his shoes and socks all wet XD He was like damn furious XD Then i kept laughing like siao lol.. Then i think i swae or what.. When want to go back that time , wearing shoe , some imbecile just watered their plant and got me all wet! I look up and shout "OI!" Then that person faster stop.. Oh ya.. The "OI!" got echoe one okay... That person scared le lol.. Stupid moron .. Then went back to bus and basically did nothing much.. Pretty boring as compared to CCA bus XD Class one was like shit lor.. No fun one.. CCA one.. Sure got people playing that slapping game XD Then i always like some monster slapping people hand XD Then like so cool lor.. Like wrestling , but slapping lol.. Andand.. When we got back to school , me and WeiJie went to CCA to see them play then we went to play the piano.. He was trying to teach me how to play canon then i got the hang of it.. A LITTLE.. I keep cannot get the key then keep cursing lol.. I play until like what sia.. You ask WeiJie la lol.. Is like so scared press wrong key then like don't dare press XD Anyway , here's the song .. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Today was rather dull.. Science was Justin and Roydon's turn to present.. After that go recess then had maths and did social studies too.. Maths was doing Pythagoras' Theorem like at last? No problem for me =) Waited for CCA to start .. Then stupid lightning warning then in the end cannot play in the field.. Did all the stupid physical drills.. run run run.. Zzz... Anyway , today wasn't fun at all lor.. Reach home bathe le then order KFC.. The chicken come like what sia! The colour so dark one lor! Then ask for replacement.. Then just eat la.. Zzz..Today no mood post =( Troubled ... Moodless ... †God† Is Always With Me Even On Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † This post is dedicated to XinYing whom I've broken my promise to =( I shall talk more about it at the later part of this post.. Today woke up at 6.30 and went to school.. Was famished but decided to skip breakfast.. Then went on to class.. Science lesson was reading period because our teacher never come .. Then Mr Collins take over.. Read read read.. I decided to take a nap.. I barely rested 5 minutes and he asked me to read again.. Zzz.. Then after that was SS .. Learn about the basics of social studies then went for recess .. Ate with Jordan.. Recess finish go assemble at the parade ground.. Then Ms Palai come..She told us to bring our pencil box and The Giver to AVA room.. Guess what.. Being a smartass , i took out the book from my bag this morning and left it at home FOR THE FIRST TIME.. Then was dumb lor.. Then watched The Island in the AVA room..Pretty good show.. Then had maths , did more Stem & Leaf Diagram.. Do do do.. Then finish already went home.. I stayed in school waiting for CCA to start.. Then saw Novan then chat with him about rollerblading =) He's coming on Sunday.. Hehe.. Then he went for DnT and i went off for Softball.. Today training was okay.. train train train then we had a match.. I become catcher.. Only got helmet , don't have body armour + leg armour.. I was .. Shit.. This is going to be bad.. In the end , i got hit on my left arm and at my shin.. I see the other team one.. One get hit in the arm don't want to be catcher already.. The other one get hit somewhere then also don't want to be le.. I be all the way lei.. I so loyal to my position XD Then in the end lose lor.. Nevermind la =) Friendly match anyway.. I love flying throw XD My 2nd trademark move XD First one is spin throw.. Hehe.. I'm just so creative XD Okay.. Now link back to the first statement i made.. Sorry XinYing.. Actually wanted to go collect XinYing's spectacles with her.. Then all plan okay le.. Then walking back.. Then suddenly my parents car appear! I was .. Wtf.. Shit.. This is bad.. Then i took the ride and couldn't meet XinYing =*( I miss you la.. So long never see you already.. I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry and i would do anything i can to make it up to you.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() It's Sunday!!! It's blading day~ Chatted with XinYing and her laopa until 1am then go and sleep.. Sleep until 7.30 auto wake up.. Wtf! Then i just play the Sims 2 on my handphone until 10am then go on msn XinYing online le =) Got someone to talk to! Then she went to her bbq and i went to the park at 2.30 or so.. Then called Liang Xian along.. Oh ya.. Then before i left house , the sky like want to rain want to rain then i don't know want to go or not!In the end , i used my prediction power and predicted that it wouldn't rain , not until evening if there was no wind.. The wind probably blew the clouds away today.. Didn't rain at Pasir Ris Park =) Yays Liang Xian came and we blade blade blade .. Then the rollerblade shop uncle ask us to coach this boy.. Coach until damn fustrated lol.. We talk he not listening.. He gets distracted so easily.. So in the end fed up lol.. Coach came and had his lessons.. We help him put the cones and play play play..I did my backwards crisscross then he praise me XD Then he started his lessons and we went around play play.. XinYing came over once in a while to pei us.. After Coach's lesson , we ask him how to do some skills lor.. I learnt how to do Crazy with his help.. But now slowly getting it.. Easier to do it with my slalom blade in future.. Can't wait! Then he say next week he will teach me Eagle .. Then also meeting him in the morning to go East Coast Park to see the blades and afternoon go back to Pasir Ris Park to train =) Play until 7.30 he need to go le.. Then XinYing called and we went to meet her but Liang Xian's parents lost the brother so he went to find and then found him and he asked me to meet XinYing first.. In the end never wait for him lor.. Then i just pei XinYing go home .. Go until halfway then i go home le.. Reach home at 8pm .. Cramps cramps cramps.. Zzz.. Talking on MSN and going to have dinner .. Okay lor i go liao~ †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008 † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Saturday... And i have to wake up at 7 AM?! Okay anyway.. I woke up at 7am to attend cca on time.. Well... Who cares anyway.. I just turned off the alarm and went to sleep again XD CCA starting at 8 and i'm still sleeping away =) 7am.. Slept ... So nice dream XD Still can remember.. Then woke up 30 minutes later.. Realise i was breathing through my MOUTH when i woke up.. NO SALIVER in my mouth.. DRY.. PAIN ... It felt really wierd anyway.. First time experiencing it while my brother , a few times... He can tell me damn shiok o.O Anyway.. I went for CCA and managed to reach there on time .. CCA started.. Ran 1 round around the field and did some stretching.. Did throwing... Always trying to kill people around XD Then did some catching... Played a match in the end.. Mixture of sec 1 and sec 2.. Then we play play play.. They bat first.. In the end , we out them.. Then our turn to bat.. I fourth batter.. Wait wait wait.. Then my turn.. First ball , inside pitch , strike.. 2nd ball , i just swing already.. Home run.. 3 people reach home.. Not out-of-the-park run .. Wasted..Then we reach home 7 times so switch.. Then they play finish their inning we need to go le.. I was like.. Wtf la.. They play 2 inning we play one only.. Then in the end went home , bathed and went to Wei Jie house play PS3.. And Roy , I don't think i'm a noob XD 2v1.. I fight alone.. In the end first match lose , 2nd match thrash them.. Also played Dynasty Warrior 6.. Quite fun , i would have to agree.. Shared chicken rice with Roy then played Call Of Duty , where i thrashed them.. Then went home at 3 pm , got ready for tuition .. Went tuition and waited awhile while i played Sims 2 on my handphone.. Quite fun XD Then tuition class started , learnt pythogoras' theroem.. Interesting la... a2 +b2 = c2 ... Play around with the thing can le.. Quite simple .. Then tuition finish , waited for parents.. Then i was like.. Hmmm where are they? I thought everytime should be here one? Then waited for about 10 minutes before calling them.. Then realise that my mom sleeping and my dad was still at home o.O Then they came and we went to west plaza , waited for mom in the car while she bought her dinner and we went home.. Ordered pizza and my mom's friend came over and is still here =) Pizza quite good.. Rite pizza.. Ate yoghurt and now blog lor.. Chatting on msn.. Andand.. XinYing , where are you~ Anyway , here's a song i heard while i was walking to Wei Jie's house.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008 Tiring day!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Well.. Today is use your hands campaign.. I went around wiping table and wiping people's backsides.. XD Then that stupid Cheang Kit go hit my backside then i just my towel hit him then Mr.Ong come out.. Basket.. He say.. "If you play somemore , I am going to cane you." I was like.. orh okay.. T.T Anyway , after UYHC [Use Your Hands Campaign] , I went home , went to Whitesands with my mother and bought a new phone.. W580i ![]() Couldn't find a clear picture of it.. But here it is anyway.. Costs $200+ with the batteries , chargers and so on so forth.. Then went rollerblading with Liang Xian and Brian today... I learnt FOUR new skills! Impressive eh? Let's see.. 1] Eagle 2]Heel Spin 3]CorkScrew 4]Inverted T-stop Let's see... Eagle , i just experimented and started improving on it.. Heel spin i basically is just do for fun then suddenly can.. CorkScrew is Liang Xian teach me.. Inverted T-stop is i create myself one =) Then Brian came and i taught him some really interesting skills with all the creativity in my mind!Anyway.. Tonnes of stupid stuffs happened XD Went home at around 8pm , started sending all the files from my old phone to my new phone.. Cannot use the same memory card.. Zzz.. Manually transfer and it took like 1 hour ... Tiring can? Anyway.. don't read read read and forget to tag hor XD †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008 What a bore!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Well , today almost late again.. Cannot wake up lol.. Then reach school on time.. Reading was rather boring and mr ong was angry that we missed the cue when the bell rang.. We sang before the bell rang.. Then sing finish go back classroom.. Forgot what happened.. Nothing much happened today anyway.. Another group did presentation for Science.. Then i changed my place.. ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK... WTF MAN... Talk only perspire.. Move also perspire.. My friend tell me to stone there.. Zzz... I must meditate more now... Can't wait to change place with Jonathan though.. Then today the whole day was about taking report book back anyway.. So waited for the time to come.. My parents came at 3.30.. Then 2nd in place.. Then the stupid assembly for PTM sucks like shit? Wait so long , so hot , so cramp.. Irritated.. In the end can go back lor.. Is like wtf? Then when i walking back classroom my parents already come out.. This year is not take report book.. They photocopied the page for us.. Is like wtf lor.. I want to see my CCA the remarks de lor.. Anyway.. My results are ... English Language --> 52.5 - C6 Chinese --> 58.2 - C5 Mathematics -->61.7 - B4 Science --> 71.6 - A2 Geography --> 64.5 - B4 Literature --> 58.6 - C5 Design & Technology --> 70.1 - A2 Art --> 49.7 - D7 CME --> B Music --> A Total --> 486.9/800 Percentage --> 60.9 Class Position --> 20/40 Level Position --> 98/204 L1R4 Aggregate -->18 L1R5 Aggregate -->23 Remarks: Aloysius is a serious and steadfast worker but also has a friendly side. He shows much commitment towards his studies and softball training, and is able to balance the two well. Well done, Aloysius! Anyway.. The marks i got for Mathematics is mainly due to my tuition which helped me a lot.. Then English is mainly through reviewing my past mistakes and modifying my answers here and there to construct a perfect sentence.. But still fail comprehension.. I'm buying assessment for English to improve my comprehension already.. I don't want to go NA =( Art is think the marking too damn strict already lor.. The only subject i failed! Problem is.. Failed by 0.3 marks! Let's see... Geography need another 0.5 marks to B3 Art need another 0.3 marks to C6 XinYing .. Where you go~ I eat finish and come back on msn at 8pm you gone le =( I feel so lonesome.. You disappeared! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Tired!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Didn't post yesterday because was rather tired..And i apologise for that..Yesterday was okay , until after school hours , before CCA begins.. I wanted to try out something by arm wrestling.. So i got Jordan to be my guinea pig XD Then i was holding my pink dolphin on my other hand.. Then we started the match and in the end i lost , i wasn't sure what happened but i went to slam the pink dolphin on the table o.O I got all wet and pink-dolphined.. Then i just pour some on Jordan's leg XD Then we went to change into our P.E shirts.. CCA began and we did mainly throwing.. It was okay.. ran like 5 rounds in total for the day? Wasn't feeling tired because rollerbladed a lot.. Then it ended pretty fast.. I was like wtf? So fast?Then went home in pain because my bag was feeling heavy.. Arms ached all over due to the long break.. Then went home at 7pm and chat on MSN.. Chat until 7.30 before XinYing went for tuition.. Then i said i'll wait for her until her tuition ends at 9pm... I somehow forgot all about it and went to sleep! Sorry XinYing =( Slept at 8+ and woke up at 8 this morning then use com and play games.. Then i got myself prepared at 8.30 all the way until 8.50!! I was like .. "Shit.. I'm so dead.." Then i just walked as per normal to school and decided to take a short cut.. I thought i would've been late when i saw Mr Singh outside the school in the middle of the road! Then in the end me and a bunch of people playing at the playground walked into the school.. I was saved.. But they were considered late because they were playing?! Anyway .. Got to school in pesperation and it was rather irritating.. Did Critical Writing then the periods went passed.. Then after school , waiting for CCA , played with Wei Yang chinese chess and i lost XD Anyway.. Then i went for CCA.. got myself changed and started playing.. Jordan & Clavis didn't come.. Jordan pontang CCA and Drama while Clavis went for Drama lessons.. So i had no one to play with.. So i played with the sec 1 lefty =) Play play play.. Then we did some batting.. I broke the T-stand the rubber thing to hold the ball.. Oops? Then hit 20 balls then run 2 rounds around the field.. Did 3 sets of 20 balls means 6 runs .. Then we did some fielding , was pretty fun , with all that tumbling.. I run for the ball like siao lol.. Fell 2 times XD One was i chasing the ball like siao then in the end lost balance when the ball drop then roll.. Then the other one was i anticipated the ball to be closer but ended up at the back! I faster change direction but bend too low then my boots no friction to push so i fell XD Then got 1 more is Miss Tan hit the ball all to us then i think she missed abit then the ball flew like somewhere else.. I chiong then did my superman catch XD Ohoh.. When i roll right.. The grass keep burning me T.T Damn pain can? Is like itchy + pain = irritating .. lol Then we also did grounders + line drives.. Okay la.. Quite fun.. Then we ended our day pretty fast.. AGAIN?! Sian.. Then went home.. My dinner is.. bread, egg tart and a bowl of soup.. Okay.. Don't disturb me.. I want to eat! Bye bye Maybe I'm just tired.. Maybe I'm just sad.. Maybe I'm just alone.. Maybe.. Maybe..Maybe I can do something about it..Maybe this shouldn't have happened.. Maybe it did.. Maybe life is like this.. Maybe I feel lost.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008 aiyo† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Today was pretty fun.. First off , met up with XinYing and passed her construction paper and marker for her project.. Then we go eat .. Then she never eat T.T So bad la you... Make me eat alone.. Then eat finish le i walk her to the entrance of whitesands before turning and leaving.. Then i walk back home and went off rollerblading with Liang Xian.. We go there play , rest , play , rest.. Then Liang Xian and his idea to stair ride.. I dumbly followed.. Firstly , we tried doing forward stair-ride which i've never seen before and i gave up the idea of doing it.. So we went to rest again..Then i thought.. Hey.. Why not try backwards.. Then i go try and then was so excited.. I passed the first step and my 2nd step my wheels got stuck to it and i flew off... I hit on my right butt and both palm.. Then just lie down on the floor and rest T.T Oh ya.. Met Jordan , HeHan , Shirley , KK and some other 2/9 s . Then play play play.. Everyone left , leaving me and Liang Xian , we went back to the rink and start playing lor.. Then i do my spins.. I did 6 or 7 rounds.. Then i fall .. Wasted.. Anyway , it was so cool.. So many people seeing XD Everyone play around the rink i go to the middle and spin.. Hehe.. Then we went home at about 7.30? Oh ya.. I totally forgot there was school tomorrow and got CCA lol.. CCA starting like at last!!! Can't wait..Then now talking on msn =) Here pain there pain lol.. Anyway , i shall end my post abruptly =) Bye~ †God† Is Always With Me Even On Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008 lalala† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Okay.. Saturday was nothing interesting , went tuition and had some games... Was pretty fun luh.. Then today going blading later.. So not organised T.T Some go now some like 3 pm then go.. Of course , i'm the one going at around 3 ... Today got plans .. AT LAST?! ~1pm - Play stocks 1pm~2+pm - Bowling With XinYing 3+pm~8pm - Go blading with a bunch of friends.. 8pm~night time - msn and sleep Continued version..From 8:38 pm Well , things didn't really go as planned..Wanted to go bowling but ended up there were no lanes because of competitions...Then in the end never bowl =( Then went to park to blade.. Then i broke up with kk they all... Then i went home to get my blades and went down to meet clavis.. then waited for another 15 minutes just for liang xian to come.. Basket.. shit like take one whole day like that.. Then we went to the park and met up with kk they all... They were playing some catching on bikes..Then me and LX in the ring just play play lor.. Then finally the coach come =) Learnt Crazy today... You're groin will hurt.. TRUST ME... Unless you're like LX... Then XY they all go ehub , wanted to bowl but lane still full..Then they went home ..Me , clavis , lx and jeremiah play at the rink then was damn dumb la.. Then clavis needed to go at 7.. then jeremiah returned his blades he rented and off they went , leaving me and liang xian alone.. Then about 8 pm le.. talk to the coach lor.. talk talk talk.. then went back home.. Quite dark luh.. But very fun and cooling.. Then reach home le i go bathe and now chatting on MSN lor..Nothing much but fun fun fun today.. And it's Vesak day tomorrow! Remember to go to school XD †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008 wtf?† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Today almost overslept .. Zzz.. Anyway , i wasn't late for school and i went into class seeing Cheang Kit playing his PSP in school?! Then we go sing national anthem .. Chinese watched WaterBoys again?! Everytime like that one lor.. Show us video MUST GIVE WORKSHEET one.. Anyway , then it was P.E ... It was damn stupid la.. We did standing broad jump first.. My first jump was 195 then my 2nd one was 200.. Then do that stupid sit and reach which i hated it?! Got 39.. 42 for an A wtf.. Then i was talking to Wei Jie then was away from the station and kenna push up position.. Then also do inclined pull up.. Did 30.. 28 was an A.. Just wanted to make a nice number =) Then shuttle run was retarded lor.. Me and Roydon were first up.. Then Mr Neo say "GO!" only i run.. then i thought what happen? Then he say "GO!" again.. Only Roydon run.. I never run lol... Then he shout shout shout ... Zzz... Then 3rd time we run together.. I got 9.6 .. Best record so far o.O This morning somemore got leg cramp.. Then finished P.E and then go recess , almost forgot to eat.. So just ordered Hokkien Mee and then when eat finish , want to late le.. Then i feeling thirsty.. Somemore i chiong go buy apple tea drink XD Manage to drink finish in 15 seconds XD Then slowly walk up haha.. Then English was damn stupid la.. We go through the Exam scripts immediately then i ask teacher.. Mrs.Henry.. Why cannot write Romanian for Rome the people? Then in the end i realise Romanian is not used to say the people T.T It's Romans .. Zzzz.. After English then go Art but in the end went to Library.. Then Liang Xian go take this book of naked bodies that explains the different stages of different sex... Zzz.. I basically laid down on the chair and closed my eyes until about want to end le i go take some Physics book and read.. After Art we go back to classroom and take our things preparing for Drama lessons at 2.30 and it was only 12.30? Then only left me , Jonathan and Hao Ran in the classroom lor.. Then i just rest a while then in the end went down to get myself something to munch on.. Was emo-ing alone most of the time staring at 'I-don't-know-what' lol.. Then went back to classroom for Drama lessons.. Got some sweets today and the teacher ranted at us and also said one very powerful speech.. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" .. That subdued us for the whole day and the class became more quiet XD Oh ya.. My MYE exams are okay... Passed English!! Yes! I must work even harder for EOY man.. Science was A2 .. Maths was B4 .. Geog was C5? English was C6... 52.5.. And some other subjects i forgot.. And ... I just played my tennis ball outside my house instead of inside because my bro was suggesting it... So well , i went outside and played.. Accidentally overthrew and the ball flew out of the building and hit someone's car T.T I went down to find but could not locate it.. Then i went up and went down again and saw someone near the car i hit T.T I faster go home and look down... That guy was standing around the car.. So i guess i better leave him alone or i might just get whacked T.T Oh ya.. At last got someone pei me through the night again =) XinYing can use com again =) Jia you XinYing.. Don't be sad.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008 Damn..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Went to school as per normal today.. Then had my presentation for Science like at last? Then lucky we first few people.. The teacher more lenient XD The second day one scores less.. Then they ask so many questions T.T Especially Jonathan and Liang Xian & Jeremiah ask stupid question make us fumble... So we just gave them crappy answers XD Today not enough time so only 2 teams got to present.. I did on Stars.. So... Yea.. That summarises most of it.. Then Literature was like what the fuck la..I scored 15 for that bullshit crap essay i wrote.. 28/50... What is this shit man.. Got back all our papers and going to get Report Book soon.. During Meet-The-Parent session.. Feeling vexed and XinYing cannot use com / sms =( No more people pei me le =( Hope she can use again soon.. And i went to Roy's house to play his private server maple but in the end got update or whatever then keep DC... Then went on to play his playstation , Marvel Comic VS Cap Com .. Won him XD 13-12 ... Anyway is also we keep delay la haha.. Just keep playing.. Then went home at 5++ I know this is abrupt but i'm going to end this post =( Chow~ †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 Hmm..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Well , today was okay.. I got a total of 54/100 for English , an improvement considering i've never passed comprehension and this is my first time passing! Today we also got back Science paper.. I scored 69 /100 at first.. I was like wtf? Maths i had 64 , geog 64 1/2 all also 1 more mark to next grade.. So i had no choice but to fight for my marks! I fight fight fight , in the end earned another 3 more marks and went up a grade to A2 at 72 marks =) Then today also get back DnT , I scored 31 marks just like Roy ... No need study one lol..Okay la.. Today was not too bad.. I'm looking forward for Literature paper because that's the most aggressive essay i've ever written.. Imagine write until when look up , your world go dizzy.. And my English essay was a let down..15/30 ?! That is not acceptable and will not ever be! Overall , today was okay except that English was a let down.. I wrote out of point and that was shit.. Lost a few marks there... DAMN!! Now i'm looking forward to seeing the marks on my Literature paper.. I think that's the best essay i've written for Literature.. *Fingers crossed* .. Hope i score high for it! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Argh!!!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() DRATS I'm sorry XinYing =( I didn't know there was Speech & Drama lessons until Friday!!! Sorry sorry!!! Okay i know my blog didn't start off well but i really am sorry for spoiling your mood[maybe] .. But here are my results i've obtained so far.. Chinese which was like shit? 24/50 for composition , loss a lot of marks mainly because i talked out of topic and talked about too many people whom i respect... Zzzz... Then letter writing was crap.. I loss one mark just because i tried to show that i leaving 2 spacing just to show that i purposely one but the teacher mark WRONG and -1 mark because must write at the 2 boxes i leave blank ... Wtf man... Tried to argue with teacher but she just don't want to give me the marks.. Zzzz Then i also got my Mathematics paper back today.. Did better than i expected =) Hurray~ Got 25/40 for Section A and i thought i would like fail or what !! Omg .. I'm like so happy when i got Section A... Then when we got back Section B , i also did better than expected and scored 33/50 =) Total up is 63 marks.. Could have gotten 64!!! I went to tell teacher my error.. She herself also did an error in the working when trying to show us.. I was like so happy nothing went wrong until they start saying is wrong.. Suppose to be cubed instead of squared.. Zzzz .. Lost one mark but was praised for my honesty.. Then Geography was okay... I scored 64 1/2 and was so damn desperate for the 1/2 more mark.. I was patient... Waited like siao for the chance to actually kop some marks XD Well , eventually the time came and i just anyhow argue o.O Then actually got 1 mark XD Yippie... B4 to B3 .. Hehe.. Happy luh.. Speech & Drama lesson was pure shit lor.. The teacher was wearing a low-cut shirt and was like flashing around although she didn't mean to.. Then this lao ti ko , aged 50+ , keep coming in and trying to catch a glimpse of her chest / ass .. Zzz .. See his eyes also know he up to no good le.. then somemore just now come to the boys side and make up some stupid excuse just that he can get the view of her ass .. Wtf sia.. Horny bastard.. Get a life la.. Oh ya.. I thought today got CCA then somemore looked forward to it since like don't know when? Smsed Mr Shafie on Friday and he said next week.. Then the next week was this week .. But it ended up is next week from this week.. Zzz .. Bring everything already then don't have.. Somemore i'm the only softballer bringing it.. Then i also came to school with 3 files , 7 books.. Great.. Made my bag looked like it's being stuffed with tonnes of dynamites inside.. In the end i had to walk home with the bag that seemed to weigh like 10 kg? Zzzz.. Tired lor.. Anyway, not forgetting... Congratulations XinYing who has officially finished her MYE =) I'm sorry i cannot make it tomorrow =( A thousand apologies from the bottom of my heart... Stupid Speech & Drama thing... Grrr †God† Is Always With Me Even On Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008 Big Day!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Firstly , a big CONGRATULATIONS to XinYing who have completed MYE like at last? Time to party =) Okay sorry... I didn't realise it was until tomorrow.. But who cares! XD Secondly , it's my brother's birthday today and we're going to Mandarin Hotel for Triple Three XD $300 T.T I'm coming out $20 instead of $50 since I'm saving for slalom blades which costs $300 .. Okay , something random.. I looked out of my window and see 2 foreigners at the top of the building , one talking on the phone while the other digging i don't know what? And it's going to rain .. Hope they don't meet with any mishaps.. Okay.. In the end didn't go Mandarin Hotel because got wedding function so didn't go.. In the end went to Tampines Mall and ate Jack's place , i ate fire steak... So much brandy spilt on the floor wtf... Good luck to XinYing tomorrow for her Science Examinations =) Jia you! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008 Mother's Day† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Mother's Day Part 1 _______________ Well , i woke up at 9am sharp after watching that supposingly ghost show which wasn't really ghost show until 12.30 am and my parents were still warching and they are supposed to wake up at like 3.30am ? 3 hours of sleep and 12 hours of work.. Good job mummy and daddy... Okay la.. The story quite touching except that the face not that nice lol.. It's about a mother who lost her husband and child and she went to steal another women's child who looked like her son and the son actually went to the 'mother' who was not his real mother.. It was really sad lor.. This morning was okay.. I went out to look at the floor on the park and it seemed like it rained in the morning not long ago because the floor is wet.. I'm probably going rollerblading later.. Anyone interested please call me... Woke up , on msn and to my surprise , none of my secondary school friends online wtf.. The first one to online was Jordan.. Wonder how am i going to celebrate mother's day.. I made a carnation for her already and it's in the fridge..Not sure if liang xian is blading today because of mother's day or not T.T Hope he is.. Then if he want we go back earlier or something .. Mother's Day Part 2 _________________ Okay , Jordan and Roy is joining us to rollerblade later =) Try to get Clavis ba.. Let's see Jordan haven't bladed for 3 years and restarting hopefully =) Then got more people to blade with le XD Roy coming on his skate.......................scooter ba.. Countdown from now is..3h 15mins to 3pm and off we go blading =) Mother's Day Part 3 ________________ It's 1:17pm and 1hour 43 minutes to go before going rollerblading.. Currently , Jordan , Roy and Liang Xian coming along and i guess my family is not celebrating Mother's Day.. My parents are celebrating someone's birthday... So i'm left alone ONCE AGAIN ... Hoping to see TC today to learn more new tricks from him .. Probably staying until TC goes home also which is maybe 8pm? Clavis is going to his Grandmother's house to celebrate Mother's Day.. Wonder when will he ever be free... Zzz.. Hopefully next week.. Also getting my Primary School friend to meet up and teach me new tricks XD Saved his number in my phone and will contact him next week because he's now having examinations.. Don't want it to affect his studies.. Mother's Day Final Part __________________ It's 8.15 now , just got back from rollerblading.. Very tiring day.. Met 2 new people who blades too =) Singapore Poly.. Anyway , in the end , Me , Liang Xian , Jordan , Roy , Kar Kheng, Michael came.. Don't know why Brian and Alex never come.. Zzzz.. Then TC never come today T.T Mother's Day maybe..Then we raided the place XD Jordan re-learn how to blade.. Then play play play.. Play until 7.30 pm then we wanted to go E!Hub to see blades then i just back out lor.. Not allowed to go in.. I don't want to lose face , kenna chased out T.T So i went home lor.. Then met Roy on the way back.. He tried to chase me T.T Then when i reach home , parents are out celebrating someone's birthday at Aloha Bungalow then i just bathe and on MSN lor.. Currently nothing to eat .. Great.. 6 hours of blading and nothing to eat when i get back home... Ate 3 curry puff for the whole day only.. Now waiting for parents to buy dinner for me to eat T.T When i got back home , shortly after my brother went out to study... Left alone once again.. Now just resting then maybe tomorrow got rollerblading again =) I want to save money and buy slalon blades are Parkway... Looks nice o.O $300.. Quite worth it.. E!Hub selling $500 o.O Anyway , it's time to work / save money le.. Summary For The Day ___________________ Went rollerblading , met 2 new bladers , TC[Coach] didn't come , Ate 3 curry puffs for my whole day as of 8:40pm & talking on MSN †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008 Wasted...† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Woke up at 8.45 today and nothing much special happened today.. Except that the weather was so damn good and it didn't happen yesterday and hoping it'll happen tomorrow.. I spent the morning chatting on msn and it's mother's day today! Wasted one whole day just because of tuition T.T Could have gone rollerblading with brian and ask him show me some skills.. Haix.. nevermind.. Looking forward to tomorrow , hope it doesn't rains and can't wait to meet TC [ Coach ] again! Must learn more tricks! Okay.. Back from tuition.. Oh ya.. I realised a typo and i don't bother changing it haha.. it's mother's day tomorrow =) I kept thinking it was Sunday today wtf? I'm getting senile lol.. Ate Fish Zinger for dinner?! Quite nice.. Crispy on the outside , soft on the inside.. I don't know what to write already T.T *Runs off* †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008 Over le =)† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Okay.. Art was total shit today... Took 4 hours to paint finish my art yesterday and could not wake up today.. Zzzz.. That's the precise reason why i hate painting.. Nevermind.. It's all over now and i should get over it.. Painted everything and was okay.. Wasn't really up to standards anyway..Derrick one was good..Haix.. Let's just hope that my preparatory work earns me that 40%... 60% come from final draft... Zzzz... Going blading later at 4pm .. Meeting up with Liang Xian , Brian , Alex .. Clavis cannot come.. Sad.. Anyone wants to join? SOMEHOW... Jeremiah is my dad's old friend's son o.O Okay.. Continued post.. My whole family left , leaving me all alone at home.. Zzzz ... Then it was 2.30... Then just pei XinYing lor.. Then send her home .. Although not all the way because inconvenient.. Then i went back to the park , met up with Brian .. JunHan was there .. Then suddenly Jonathan come.. o.O Then we went to the 'b**b' and play lol.. Then we talking about Melvin he suddenly come o.O Speak of the Devil.. Lol.. Then play awhile and we went back to the skating ring.. Shortly after , Brian and Jonathan left.. Leaving me and Liang Xian.. And before anyone came , i was alone and was resting at the uncle shop... Then he helping me become coach.. He go to the 2 girls trying to blade and tell them i coach T.T Then i don't know how to coach! I feel so useless... Then after that the uncle go toilet i tend the shop , leave the girls to train.. Then he come back i go join Liang Xian and Brian.. Then after that we play play play go back rest again .. Then now got 1 group of girls... He ask me to coach again lol.. It's very nice of him to be helping me lor... It's always good to socialise =) Then tried to coach again and failed T.T Then went back to blading with Liang Xian.. Then met up with Jordan.. Then we slowly walk back home.. I send Jordan back home.. Then i went home .. It was so damn dangerous.. Cars everywhere =.= Went home in pain especially in the thigh and ankle area.. The thigh because very long never exercise le.. The ankle because the sock was giving me problems and the seam of the boots killing me.. When i buy my next pair of blades , I'm going to buy a better one T.T Can't wait to go East Coast when TC [Coach] and check out the blades they sell.. I'll consider the price and maybe work at my parents place for the blades =) Haix.. All talk but not action makes me an empty vessel... Hope to see TC soon =) Sunday!!! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, May 09, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008 Exam 1 step to over..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() It's been a tiring week of exams and it's just ONE step before it ends... It's art tomorrow and i've drawn an eagle as well as passion flower =) Finished everything except final draft.. I wanted to start painting already and realise that i didn't have any container in my house to store water! So well , i waited and waited and gave up waiting and proceeded on to blading =) Because there's not a need to study for art , that's the reason why i went rollerblading.. I lost my sense of blading and things go haywire... I've learnt a lesson from today.. Never go fast and try to slide when you've not bladed for a long time.. You're going to cry your sorry ass.. So yeah.. Me and Liang Xian acting smart , chiong down the slope.. Nothing happened until Liang Xian didn't see the hump and flew of it and ended up with multiple injuries.. Then i wanted to stop to check on him... Great.. What a fantastic idea.. I attempted powerslide and lost all control and slided on my back before sliding on my elbow... Bleed T.T So i went to Liang Xian and he was like bleeding everywhere .. lol.. So we went to wash up in some nearby toilet .. Then we moved on to area 3 where we went to the shop uncle and had a chat with him before going to the training ring to practice our skills.. I went in and tried to parallel slide but somehow overslide and fall.. Zzzz.. Then Jonathan came along and we play play play... Then XinYing come jogging .. So i go pei her.. Then Jonathan and Liang Xian stalking me because I 'shen shen mi mi' haha.. I had a strong feeling they were stalking me .. So when i turned.. i saw them T.T Then met XinYing and Liang Xian and Jonathan come and make up dumb stories.. Zzzz... Then XinYing don't want me pei her ask me go to Liang Xian and Jonathan then Liang Xian and Jonathan ask me go to her T.T Stuck at nowhere.. Zzz.. So in the end i went with Liang Xian and Jonathan and went back to area 3 and practice our skills again.. Then XinYing i don't know jog or walk to area 3 then we talk talk lor.. Then she go home le then me and Liang Xian play a while more.. Basket.. We go inside the ring , the people come out .. We go out , they go in.. Zzz.. Make us look like raiders.. Wtf.. Went home in pain wtf.. Suddenly stomach pain .. Zzz.. Then go home le bathe then use com then suddenly stomach pain again .. I shall not go into the details about what happened in the toilet.. It was a war.. That's all i can say.. It's all up to you how you want to think about it =) Tomorrow art exam.. I finished my layouts , drawn my picture , waiting to paint.. I going to start painting at 8.. Got my mom to bring back 2 containers , one for now and the other one for tomorrow art exam to use.. Just 1 more exam.. Let's pray that i don't mess up =) All must jia you ar.. Chiong your art.. And don't think about your examinations that pass le.. Think about the next.. Don't let your old stuff affect the new.. Jia you all.. The Emo Night Part 1 ------------------------- Tonight was really depressing.. The nights seemed darker than it use to be.. I am stressed by the stinking art piece i owned.... It looked like total shit and i'm so unsatisfied with it.. Jokes no longer seemed like jokes... All they can do is make me feel empty... Thankfully with XinYing around.. She tried to cheer me up.. Thanks XinYing.. But i was too depressed.. I broke down.. I couldn't help but let my tears roll down.. She stayed up with me all the way until 11 pm and she has examinations tomorrow.. I'm feeling very remorseful about this matter.. I'm sorry XinYing.. And i didn't mean to bring your moods down.. I just couldn't help it but start to feel depress.. I'm lost why i was feeling depressed.. When i look out , i see emptiness.. I feel lonesome.. Finished my art which was a total failure.. I hate painting.. Painting makes me life dull.. Colours are dull when painting.. I never want to paint again.. It's the worse thing ever.. After XinYing gone to sleep , i finished my background and everything.. I've never felt so depressed in my life.. Are my feelings starting to unfold itself? Why is the impact so great.. I'm really grateful i have a friend like XinYing who stay by my side when i need her most.. A person i can rely on .. A person i can trust .. Thank you XinYing.. You've been by my side during my darkest period and cheered me on when i needed encouragement to move on..You've been such a great friend... I never had such a friend who cared so much for me.. Once again , thank you.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, May 08, 2008