The Prodigy Age: 15 School: PRCS Birthday: 23/1 I am a servant of God I am a servant , not a servile I am the head and not the tail I am above and not beneath Let's Walk In Faith And Grow! Hungering for.. †Change To The Likeness Of God† †Become A Pastor† †To Be Water Baptised† Motivational Speaker Finish Poly with CGPA 3.89 past April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2012 Credits Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: |
Sunday, March 30, 2008 I must get this..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Check this out.. The first one is the coolest one.. I'm so going to be seen with those wheels.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008 Utterly dissappointed with myself..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I'm sorry that i didn't spare a thought for you.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008 Damn.. That's close..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I'm guessing she has high fever? Didn't look good yesterday.. Get well soon , Shirley.. So it was after art when we rested in class a while before changing and then boarding the bus .. Carried the equipments down and i had communication breakdown with mr shafie lol.. That was crap man.. Then we boarded the bus to Temasek Secondary School and had a match with them.. It was okay.. We won by 1 point.. 16-15 .. We could have lost.. A lot of errors done and got scolded.. I almost got heatstroke because of the stupid thick shirt i was wearing in the hot , burning sun.. Then i took it out and wore the jersey without the shirt inside like most of the other people.. I did few homeruns and i was pushed by the catcher which was twice my size!!! I flew back lol.. A few injuries today but it was fun.. Then we played the slapping game in the bus.. Lol.. I pwned so many of them.. Their hands all swelled.. XD Overall , today was one of the better days.. Get well soon , Shirley †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008 Stress...† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † So everything was as per normal today..I thought i was going to get scolding today but in the end didn't because i didn't do my english worksheet.. But in the end , we didn't do the worksheet.. So i completed it ASAP just in case they going to do tomorrow... Completed my maths except the weekend assignment felt pretty tired.. Let's talk about CIP today.. Well , i had no assignments so i went around as a neutral guy.. I worked as a flower boy , delivery boy , chef and also.. "kopper" go around kop people food lol.. Kop float.. because overflow.. Then demanded a cup of drink because thirsty and because i sweat so much.. Then i go help out in the chocolate factory lol.. Then i bought 2 stick and ate 2 sticks then put a lot of toppings XD Then they complain complain.. Diao.. They never see the bigger picture one.. All focus on the small things.. Then after that go canteen met my softball mates and played carom then played some slapping game.. I played with zikiri until his hand swollen.. XD I'm mean.. I know .. Then he scared le lol.. He fell off the chair XD I slap until he keep moving back then fall off the chair XD Then we see each other keep laughing .. wtf sia lol.. Then i don't know what to type... Can't think of anything to write .. =( --------- 擦肩而過 --------- Let me be the hands to carry you †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 Tired..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Basically , i was looking forward to the match the whole day and wasn't interested in the lessons lol..So it was finally 1.10 and we met at the field and warmed up a little and Bedok North came .. So we had a match.. Then we started batting first.. I was the third batter and i did a homerun on my first one.. I kept staring at the pitcher's eyes lol.. Kind of intimidating him.. So in the end run finish tired tired and waited for my turn again.. Then it was our turn to field.. I had to go down pretty low because i was afraid the ball would go over me.. Or hit me.. Before the match even started i got hit in the chin.. I had to be ever ready or else i'll get hit in the face.. So i managed to catch about 10 balls or so and out them.. Pretty nice work with clavis.. I almost got hit like 3 times.. 2 by the pitcher and one by Nabil's batting.. Then match ended with a 14-11 and we won.. We were so happy with the stress my senior gave me.. "Must beat them , they our strongest enemy" So after the match he jumped at me and tried to make me piggy bag him lol.. Then we relax , had a drink and went home.. Then we had the chinese composition on 泪水 so i went on writing about why people cry.. and so on.. And i had a different ending from what i always ended.. A question for the teacher.. lol.. Hope i score high for it! Do finish then look around , many didn't write much , some wrote a lot.. Minimum of 400 words.. *phew* Then i was passed the message that there wasn't CCA today because Mr shafie didn't come.. So yeah , i didn't go.. Suppose to do project but i thought i had CCA.. I forgot.. Then walk until reaching home then remember.. Needed to do CME with my group but i totally forgot about it.. Tried to contact Derrick but he didn't pick up his phone nor did he reply my sms.. Then nevermind , Melissa suddenly message me on MSN ask me to help her because she didn't bring back her science notes so i helped her , as a form of revision for myself also =) There's Science test on chapter 14 tomorrow guys.. Time to do my homework and get myself ready and prepared for tomorrow's test.. Good luck to you all reading this and of course , to myself.. lol... I'll be the little eyes watching you.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008 Chiong ah..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Then looking forwards towards tomorrow's game.. Home.. Come and support XD Then i reached home .. Completed Literature and English project which were to me like.. "omg i'm dying~ what wrath have i incurred to cause all these!!" Well.. They're done anyway and have a few left i think? Chinese.. =.= So many questions and they are all Malaysian PSLE paper.. UPSR... Don't bother doing it and now very tired.. Maybe later then do the chinese paper.. I'll still be waiting for you .. I won't give you up. If you're canvas , I'll be your paint and fill your life with colours †God† Is Always With Me Even On Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008 Time passes fast..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † We bladed around practicing.. Then met many people.. Oh ya.. Remember Si Han? She was here today.. She said hello to me XD So touched.. Then i didn't teach her anything today.. Because the coach was here XD Then i feel damn ashame la.. Some noobs trying to teach people lol.. So she trained herself.. I played with liang xian and jon.. The coach gave us some pointers to rollerblade better.. Then we bladed and bladed and jonathan had to go.. Then after he went , i went to ask the coach how to do parallel slide.. He made a design with the cone and we had to learn to balance all our weight on one leg.. I had some problem at first.. Then in the end i managed to master it.. I was coughing like mad.. I over exerted myself.. I couldn't take deep breaths or else i would cough.. Then i coughed pretty hard at first and i coughed out a lot of 'gas' ? Not sure.. Then it was pretty painful.. But no matter what , i told myself that i had to master it.. Then we kept on training and in the end did it.. But we still don't know how to stop suddenly although i tried and it worked a few times.. Then we decided to go home since the coach had to go already.. Then me and liang xian rested on a chair.. I realised that the rubber on my wheels had come out.. I was pretty shocked and sad at the same time.. Then decided that we get some hard wheels soon so that we can do stupid things.. Anyway.. I overheard the coach saying if they wanted to buy a pair of rollerblades or whatever , we can contact him and maybe get a good price for them.. Came home and realise there wasn't dinner.. So my dad cooked noodles for me.. It was good =) Then also , when i was rollerblading , Jia Ning kept calling me asking me how to do the project.. Damn... I was like.. " I also don't know!!" lol.. Then in the end she gave up ... Also , when we were rollerblading , suddenly , i saw that there was like 10+ people outside the rink watching us rollerblade.. I showed all my coolest skills lol..*pfft.. flaunter..* lol.. Overall , today was a fun yet tiring day.. Finished my homework except Literature.. You should've given me a chance.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008 How did I spend my Good Friday...† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † This was what happened on Good Friday... I woke up 6 am and got myself ready to play at the Padang with Maristella.. We were shocked to see they were so BIG... When the game started , many of us , including me , couldn't hit the ball.. In the end , i got a free base... So walked walked walked.. Then stole a base to 2nd.. At first i didn't slide.. Then in the end out.. Then my turn again i slide , that guy fall.. Then safe.. Then steal to 3 , the short-stop 2 times smaller than me , i bang him down lol... In the end i apologise la.. The score was 9-3 and we lost.. But we were praised for our efforts.. And mr shafie also said that although we lost , it was the best game we've played.. Then after that went rollerblading with Jonathan and Liang Xian.. Jordan they all also there .. So i join them for a while.. Then suddenly this group of women asked the 3 of us to coach their girls lol.. They looked like Primary 3s to me though.. They were wearing SKIRTS to blade o.O So I taught this girl how to go backwards and how to do T-break.. Then Jonathan , as usual , trying to flirt around [With Primary 3s?!] .. Asked for her name.. Si Han.. Then we blade until like 6 then they go home already.. Then we cotinued and i suddenly mastered how to do bicycle spin.. Spun like 5-6 times without stopping XD Big Improvement.. Although got a couple of scratches here and there which still hurts .. Then helped this china man , gave him so tips seeing that he couldn't rollerblade properly as the shoes had problems ... After that , he was well again.. When i got home , i ate my dinner and lie down on the massage chair and massaged a while then i fell asleep.. My mom woke me up and i walked to my bed and lie down and sleep again.. Then about 30mins later or so , i was perspiring because i was sleeping outside.. No fan blowing at me.. Then i got a new shirt and slept all the way.. Woke up this morning at 7 to go to cca.. Today was pretty fun.. Except that many were absent.. We did hitting and fielding.. Oh ya! We also got our caps and heavy pants along with the belt.. Pretty cool.. My muscles were aching due to yesterday's rollerblading 'session' .. Ate a packet of [whateverit'scalled] and i was like "omg shit!! I'm dying.. So spicy!!" Then i eat finish faster go buy a bottle of Ice Lemon Tea.. Drink finish already still feeling the spice.. Then when i got home , i just sat down on the floor and watched TV.. Until like 30mins later then i went to bathe and get myself prepared for tuition later.. I still haven't started any of my homework =.= ---------------------------- Continued post ---------------------------- Okay.. Now I'm back from tuition.. Halfway during tuition , my hand cramped up!! I was like immobilised.. Then stop.. Then my other fingers cramp.. Then stop and start again.. Then my toe also cramp.. Wtf? Then ate 'muay fan' .. Pretty tasty.. I'm not sure how to describe it though.. But it's good =) Anyway , please tag.. It's getting dead.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008 Tomorrow is the day!!† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † It's Good Friday tomorrow and many people are glad because it's a public holiday , which means , no school!!! Okay , well , I'm pretty happy myself because 1 , it's a holiday , which means a break from studies , 2 , match with Maristella.. I heard they are pretty good o.O Nevertheless , i will try my best still.. Today was pretty normal.. Got to school with my shitty hairstyle , getting irritated with my sunburn marks which practically turned my skin white.. It disgust me.. Met a few of my seniors and some hit me without a reason lol.. Then we entered the computer lab and didn't care about the work we were supposed to do , some pontang-ed..We all online our MSN then started group conversation and chat and laughed and all the shit came out =.= So we went on and on until the class ended and about half or more of the class weren't doing their work and were chatting on MSN .. The teacher was probably fustrated xD So i went home and well , ate a bag of chips once again.. I think i will be getting fat if i don't stop... Declined my parents attractive offer to go to Sakae Sushi... Didn't felt like going anyway.. So i ate spaggetthi in the end.. Oh ya.. My godmom made cheese cake and it was superb.. Especially with the icing... Finished all of them and rested.. Drank a bottle of ICE lemon tea..Notice i highlighted the word 'ice'... There were ice flakes in them xD Finished it fast and got brainfreeze =.= Now listening to music on my handphone and getting prepared for tomorrow's game.. After the game , going to rollerblade with my friend =) New Movie!!! †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 And I thought I was the only one..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † After that , we did some 'realistic' training.. Then before the thing even started , Jordan threw a ball at haikal and he caught it.. but it bounced out and hit his eye..Then after that , i saw his cheek bone there got a swell.. That must hurt... Jordan is known for his powerful yet inaccurate throw xD So well , we moved on.. Got a pack of ice for him.. Then jordan got whacked like 3 , 4 times too.. Then when we did hitting , Farhan hit line drive to Razzin and the ball somehow curved off and hit the thumb of his hand.. then he got the pack of ice too xD Total Injuries = 4 Well , I guess I'm not the only one injured today... And Good Friday is 2 days away... Does this bode well? Lol.. Looking forward towards the game with Maristella on Friday which is Good Friday... †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008 Start of Term 2† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Nothing really interesting today ... So i got up as usual , at 6 then i had porridge my mom cooked yesterday because we were having cough. Had one bowl then went to school.. I was having trouble walking since my toe had a blister which was hurting pretty much.. Then we realise that the english homework was in Kar Kheng's bag because i'm not sure what the reason is but we'll get it tomorrow. Then Mrs. Tan returned us our Geography Common Test.. I scored 42/60.. I think it was okay.. I could have done better.. Anyway , when i got home , i took off my socks.. then wa.. damn pain.. the blister the pus harden at the sock along with some blood.. Then took a bathe then slept on the sofa for a while before going out to cut my hair.. Ate Chicken Briyani for dinner at Loyang Point.. Pretty spicy.. then drank a cup of coke before going.. Then now my hair looks like shit lol.. Nevermind.. It'll grow back... Today suppose to have English Remedial but i not sure where... I tomorrow or Wednesday then go ask Mrs. Henry again.. I will pass my english. Nothing will stop me from passing my english and scoring well.. Watching S-Pop Wan Sui then i heard this song.. -------------------------------------------- Kong Qiu Qian -------------------------------------------- †God† Is Always With Me Even On Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008 I've learnt to cherish the sun† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Woke up about 9.30 today and found left over honey glazed ham from yesterday , ate about 5 pieces or so then found cheese cubes~ Mmmmmm love it.. Then watch TV show until 1pm .. Bathe , went out then Jordan at my block then my mom came to pick us up.. When going to Padang that time.. Rain like crazy... "I was like.. Damn this suck.." When reach City Hall , we realise that why not just alight at some shopping centre and seek shelter.. So me and Jordan had our lunch in Wellington [Or whatever its name is... Near the Padang correct already] Then i ate chicken chop fried rice he eat beef noodle.. Eat finish then we go out , rain stop .. Start realising that people are leaving in groups from the field..Suppose to be playing a match against Maristella... Postponed to Friday in the end.. That's Good Friday!! Wonder if it really would be good.. So Jordan called Mr Shafie .. Our softball teacher.. Then he said he asked my friend Clavis to pass the message 30 minutes ago saying that the match was cancelled.. Then 30 minutes later then he send the message.. wtf? Then took a train back to WhiteSands.. Met my other softball mates at McDonald's had a drink then we went to Pasir Ris Park to train softball.. Now i can play every type of player le.. Be it 1st , 2nd , 3rd , outfield , catcher or pitcher.. But now training my pitching skill... Although quite slow , it's still fun xD So we played from 4.30 all the way to 7 .. Grabbed a drink from Cheers and walked home.. Message to the weather master.. "Can i have the sun back please?" Okay... I finished my Geog homework last minute since i asked... And wtf is this.. I asked around and notice that i didn't receive my english homework.. Asked the guy in front of me and he too didn't have it.. Tomorrow i ask the person behind me see have or not.. If have then i die already.. But i really never see that paper before.. Hope it's not my fault this time.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008 Pfft.. What is this..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Great.. I couldn't sleep .. want to sleep already then my mother cough cough cough =.= fed up .. i went outside to sleep.. then sleep until 3.21 am then suddenly wake up.. then i was like freezing =.= then somehow my dad came out then i asked him to pass me my blanket in the room.. Cosy~ Then woke up about 5.30 then watch TV until 6 am then go bathe then meet Jordan at the bridge then we take MRT go city hall.. Funny thing is.. Jordan was left alone lol.. He was topping up his card or whatever.. then i went up first.. then i see one train so many people then the other no people then i take the one got people one la =.= Then i was looking for my other softball mates.. then i went from one end to the other end then manage to find them.. Then i realise that Jordan was left alone XD He took the other train and was 7 minutes slower than us lol.. He complained that there was an old lady sitting beside him with a huge bag lol... Then so angry XD Then we all reach City Hall then i finally can eat my stupid McDonald's i bought from WHITESANDS... Wtf.. that's like 30 minutes.. then finish eating then go Padang there meet.. Then my stupid slipper... damn it.. new one i go wear then the stupid thing so hard then my leg blister.. then blister nevermind.. the skin came off.. =.= then even worse.. when i was in whitesands buying my meal... i realise i didn't bring my socks! I was like OMFG what am i suppose to do.. then aiya sian la.. decided to wear without socks.. then when at padang there i ask my friend then he say he got spare one.. then i was like omg yay!! Then warm up then go play with RI then walao.. our spot there the mud smells like wtf? Ammonia? Then crap la.. Like shit smell somemore =.= had to live with it.. then we play game.. then okay la.. first inning happy happy then when our turn bat.. our face all change lol.. the ball so damn freaking fast.. well , i manage to hit it XD out in the end anyway =.= The score was.. RI:PRCS , 17:1 ... lol ... first lost.. but it was fun XD then my bag all the stupid mud make it so dirty la.. Then after the game Jordan go borrow ball then we play pitching.. then i also don't know how Jordan can throw until over the netting =.= It's like one tree tall.. Then drop down hit the bus window .. then the window crack then got the spiderweb shape.. then jordan damn sad la.. then tell his mom and all then okay lor.. then we go shopping mall then go food court eat.. then i ate beef rice hotplate or whatever that was.. tasted great.. I think it's worth the $5 i paid for.. Then take train go back whitesands then i don't feel like going tuition since i already so tired then somemore i already go to the make-up lesson and study this week one already.. Then i went to Jordan house there rest a while then we go to some field to play softball.. then play finish go back his house then play com game.. see him play la.. then find some dumb stuff to play at his house.. then after that play Soldier Front then using his friend account .. Don't know why my account everything gone =.= Too long never play , i guess.. Then play play play.. then i was like retarded la.. Well , i shall not go into that lol.. Go find out from Liang Xian or Jordan if you want xD Then after that we go to coffee shop eat.. then i ate some rice with a giant fried egg on top with sweet and sour sauce in the middle of the rice.. Then liang xian ate chicken rice , jordan don't know eat what noodle... then me and jordan walk home , i wore his slippers , he wore mine.. my slipper sucked.. not sure why jordan didn't feel a thing.. Then when i reaching home we change back then i go home then he walk back himself.. Then i go home , bathed then ate sandwich my dad made.. the sandwich got bread.. got cheese , go honey roasted ham got smoked beef.. and also butter.. then very nice.. then i ate a few i very full already then never eat le.. drank abit pepsi then now posting lor.. Then just now walk walk walk suddenly find $1 o.O [This one is before a lot of thing.. I think after the match.. Suddenly remember so just write xD] Nothing to write le -.- Remember to see tomorrow one ba.. †God† Is Always With Me Even On Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008 Life as usual..† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Well today isn't much of a difference.. Woke up , did my homework and played com games.. Then chat as usual ... Faster finish all my homework then realise got the stupid chinese crap.. aiya then go ask around lor.. also dunno what's that.. then just give up.. Then see wa weather so fine.. Must seize the opportunity to go rollerblading.. Tried calling liang xian but his phone can't get through =.= then also tried to call brian.. then his phone also never answer.. so call jonathan.. then he okay lor.. then we go go go.. 3.30 at area 3 in pasir ris park... then blade blade blade.. then master some skill... then go to the urban inline shop then this uncle sell him some axle for his blades then i ask him to help me loosen my wheel.. then he use all his strength just to open the axle.. then when he did the first wheel got the 'crak' sound.. i thought what thing break.. then he do do do.. finish all le.. i wanted to offer him a drink then he don't want.. sad right.. then okay la.. then i do my wheels , tighten the axle until not so tight.. continued blading then jonathan need to go liao.. then i damn sian lor.. then he go le.. i go back to the training rink then mastered new skill ... just some combo i created myself.. play play play then damn sian la.. today no pro then got one small boy come in blade blade blade with his mouse on his shoulder.. then i nothing to do then get out of the rink then go around.. then saw this uncle everytime there playing his kite.. 2 handle one.. professional kite flyer.. then very nice lor.. got like 10 over people watching him play.. then after that sian liao lol... then i go around finding bladers to follow =.= i'm lame i know.. then blade blade blade.. 7pm liao.. i blade go home eat dinner lor.. quite nice la.. my first time eating xiao bai cai and don't taste the bitter bitter taste like i used to... ate 2 =.= then got onion egg.. eat eat eat.. drink soup.. beef carrot potato soup.. then drink drink drink... actually the soup very nice la.. but the beef taste not enough then spoil the whole thing =.= Nothing to say liao =.= Nah la nah la.. give you song lol.. ---------------------------- Ni Shi Wo De Yan ----------------------------
_____ 如果我能看得见 就能轻易的分辨白天黑夜 就能准确的在人群中 牵住你的手 如果我能看得见 就能驾车带你到处遨游 就能惊喜的从背后 给你一个拥抱 如果我能看得见 生命也许完全不同 可能我想要的,我喜欢的,我爱的,都不一样 眼前的黑不是黑 你说的白是什么白 人们说的天空蓝 是我记忆中那团白云背后的蓝天 我望向你的脸 却只能看见一片虚无 是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了帘 忘了掀开 你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换 你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮 你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海 因为你是我的眼 让我看见这世界就在我眼前 †God† Is Always With Me Even On Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008 Cousin's Birthday† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Well , it was raining , as usual... I woke up and slacked around for a bit .. Then , went on doing the science project.. that's one project done and 3 to go.. decided that there was nothing to do , so i went to find some VCDs to watch.. I dug up Scary Movie 3 and began watching it.. It was pretty dumb , with some hedious images in it.. Then , watched HBO for a while and then got changed and waited for my god-mom to come to fetch me. When i reached her house , i ate a donut that my cousin's friend bought for him for his birthday. It was extremely sweet =.= I gave up after eating the first one.. Then , i played some computer games then watched 881 , another VCD.. It was pretty dumb yet humorous.. So , continued playing com until 6 pm then went out to Sakura at Safara Tampines.. Got pretty full , finally.. able to eat my favourite ice cream.. Rum Raisin.. I took about 3 servings.. Rested... Until the shop closes.. My god-mom then drove me back home and i posted this post... Anyway , here's a song from 881.. ---------------- Yi Ren Yi Ban ---------------- †God† Is Always With Me Even On Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Yet Another Wet Day† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ![]() Weather Reports have shown that Singapore is experiencing a rainy season..[During Summer?!] For instance , yesterday , I was going out to have dinner with my family when we got stuck at a T junction. A massive accident that caused many to be late , et cetera. We finally got a chance to make a U-Turn and took another way to East Point to have our dinner. When we got back , there were 30 over buses empty , waiting in a row to move. The accident has caused many problems. Report have showed that a lorry was in between a bus and another lorry at the back. Due to the poor weather conditions , the lorry at the back probably couldn't see and smashed the lorry in front , causing the lorry to smash into the bus. The impact was so great that the lorry was crushed until the bonet and the engine was gone..Fatal injury occured... To drivers out there , don't drive to fast..It was due to the wet weather. My mother had to turn the wipers on to the maximum in order to get a clear vision.. Random shit to brighten up your gloomy and wet day ... Went to make-up for tuition because i'm going to miss 3 lessons.. I had to finish all of them today LOL... Imagine.. 6 hours of lesson summarised into a 1 hour lesson... The guy who helped me was a left-handed too!!! Lefty rocks.. It's probably going to flood somewhere... Considering that it keeps raining.. I wonder when it will end.. Song of the Day ------------------------ Aubrey ------------------------- †God† Is Always With Me Even On Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 March Holidays† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † I've always looked forward to March Holidays... But not this year..Not with 4 projects ,tonnes of homework to do , 6 Softball matches and my cousin birthday.. How am i suppose to handle all the pressure? Will i live through this week or will i just drop and die... Lets take a look at my schedule.. Saturday - Softball Match with GreenDale Sunday - Softball Match with Geylang Methodist Monday - Softball Training Tuesday - Softball Training Wednesday - Tuition Make-up Lesson Thursday - Cousin's Birthday Friday - Complete Homework Day Saturday - Softball Match with Raffles Institution + Another Match [Unknown] Sunday - Softball Match X 2 [Unknown] Anyway, I bought a new soccer boots yesterday , since my old one had signs of wearing out , water getting into my boots , making my sock wet and soggy... Here's an image of my new soccer boots.. ![]() Cost me $71.80 Softball SRC Tournament Results.. ---------------------------------------------- PRCS VS GreenDale , 22 - 1 PRCS VS Geylang Methodist , 11-10 I'm just listening to songs to relax..Trying desperately to find people to chat with... Getting bored..Let's end this post with a song.. Love Will Keep Us Alive ---------------------------- †God† Is Always With Me Even On Tuesday, March 11, 2008